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OTC derivatives: euro exposures rise and central clearing advances
New EU rules for safer Central Counterparties (CCPs)
OTC derivatives roadshow: our events across Europe
Lee McCormack on Central Clearing of OTC Derivatives: Collateral; Margin; Capital Requirements
AFE Saudi 2021: CCPs for Listed and OTC Derivatives
DEC24 - Decentralized Settlement: From Smart Derivative Contract (SDC) To Stateless Cross-Chain DVP
Changing clearing market structure
Finextra interviews: IBM and Calypso discuss CCPs and OTC derivatives
What is a Derivatives Clearing House? What do they do?
IPE webcast (replay): Central clearing of OTC IR derivatives – a blessing in disguise?
The OTC Derivatives Market: Significant upcoming changes will transform the market
Central clearing: what it is and the impact of active accounts